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Doors 19:00

✘𝙚𝙗𝙚𝙆 is back!! This time we bring an assembly of Intaqta affiliates to FITZROY, spanning sounds from Breaks, Garage, Electro, to House, Techno and Shibuya Kei. The surprises don’t end there, because we have a very special guest; Cyberpunk ambassador, FIXT and Monstercat signee: The Forgotten. See you at the ✘ spot. Tickets at Entrance ✱15€ *First 10 guests wearing an Intaqta T-shirt get Free Entry* Doors Open ✘ 19:00 Ends ✘ 02:00 ● ✘𝙚𝙗𝙚𝙆 is a queer and inclusive space ● Homophobic, transphobic, racist, or sexist behavior will not be tolerated ● If you feel uncomfortable in any situation, don’t hesitate to approach any of the present staff. We’re here to help!


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